Fredericks in the News: ‘This is another bald faced lie’: Ex-Obama officials blast Grisham’s claim they left ‘you will fail’ notes

WASHINGTON – Former Obama administration officials strongly disputed White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham’s claim that they left nasty notes behind for President Donald Trump’s incoming team after the January 2017 inauguration.

“We came into the White House – I’ll tell you something – every office was filled with Obama books, and we had notes left behind that said, ‘you will fail,’ ‘you aren’t going to make it,'”Grisham said Tuesday during an interview with conservative radio host John Fredericks, whose eponymous network labels itself “America’s Godzilla of TRUTH!”

“Really?” Fredericks asked her.

“Yes, in the press office there was a big note taped to a door that said ‘you will fail,'” she said. She called the alleged notes “sad” and “pathetic,” but said it was “something we’re used to.”

“Thankfully, the campaign trained” us “to be tough and to fight,” she said.

Read the full report from USA Today.