JF in the News: Why the House Freedom Caucus Chair Bob Good’s Political Future is In Doubt

In late March, The Washington Post quoted John Fredericks, a conservative Virginia radio show host who’s been part of Trumpworld for years, who said Good’s fate was in Trump’s hands.

“If Trump endorses McGuire, McGuire is going to win,” Fredericks said.

Two months later, Trump endorsed McGuire.

When Republicans worry about losing a primary, it’s usually because they’re perceived as not radical enough. Rep. Bob Good’s struggles are … different.

For the American mainstream, whether Virginia’s 5th congressional district is represented by one right-wing Republican or a different right-wing Republican might not seem especially notable, but the effort against Good is emblematic of a larger trend: Team Trump is building enemies lists, and it’s retaliating against those deemed insufficiently loyal.

Primary Day in the commonwealth is June 18. Watch this space.

Read the full story from MSNBC.